Reading ...
... Haruki Murakami's Wild Sheep Chase. I was pleasantly suprised to find that it referenced Terry Pratchett's disc-world at one point. Other than that it's a funny, weird and wonderful little book. I like this strange man and his strange books. Of course, what the critics deem to be his best book, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles, is completely unreadable. More's the pity. i must hae missed something there. But steer clear of that one and you'll get a very rewarding set of books to read all of which manage to paint a picture of Japanese society in recent decades, some wonderful stories and loads of free bewilderment to boot.
In other recent news: we have a new bunny. It's a seven year old one we got from a rodent rehabillitation centre. It's cute as a button and pictures will surely follow. I think we sort of decided to get bunnies that are rejected by their previous owners and which are a bit ... sad, in a way. This one was unlikely to get a new owner, especially since there were young bunnies to choose from so we took the little monster home. It's our good deed of the year for now.
I just read that a new tribe has been discovered in the amazon rainforest. The weird thing is that they actually have an estimate of the number of tribes that are still undiscovered in the world ... now ... how did they do THAT, I wonder ...