
Welllllll ...

... this whole queen's day thingy is a bit lost on me.

It's, like, a day, spend on festivities in name of the house of Orange, for those not in the know.

It was a bit tame this year. We suspect that those people who would traditionally get seriously pissed on this day, did so yesterday because the local football team lost the battle for champion of the country. Or something.

It's a complete and utter mystery to me how and why people get to be so invested in royalties and/or football clubs and/or beer. To the point of crying, should something befall one or more of the aforementioned items.

It's just, you know ... stuff. People you don't know. Doing stuff. Somewhere. Which has no bearing on the REAL world, so to speak.

Funny detail: there was one football fan who wanted a week of national mourning because his team lost.

NATIONAL mourning.

I thought it funny ...

Oh, and drinking alcohol and getting drunk should be de-glamourised. It only gets you drunk, gives you a headache and makes you take the wrong desicions, some of which can linger, like babies, ugly bedfellows and/or HIV.

Not much glamour there ...

Also: http://www.blogthings.com/themuppetpersonalitytest


Spike said...

I want a week of national mourning because football EXISTS.

Gavin. said...


Anonymous said...

*waves around a Chelsea scarf*

Gavin. said...

... Niobe, your scarf's not wanted here ...

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