
Progress report, Sir!

Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow. I really feel ... heavy with dread for the coming two days. I'm a bit of a whiner, some people work all week long and me only two days but I'm just so bored with my boring work.

LeSigh (tm).

Today, however, was a very productive day. Worked on ... four paintings. Two 20x20 ones, pointy ones in fact. One research piece (he said, unironically and slightly conceited) to figure out what in the world to do with that blue and white thing (it looks slightly 'Delfts Blauw' right now and that cannot be the look I am going for) and I have been working on a companion piece to the huge, 100x120, one, of which there is a picture on ... The Other Site (you know, the 'photos' one). It's going to be purple and red. Unfortunately ... I ran out of paint. So, I have to return to the scary shop. Oh, bother. But when it's done we'll have two huge canvases (canvasi?) hanging in the living room. Would go a long way to covering an awesome stretch of wall.

Size matters.

Pics, of course, will follow.

As soon as I have time and paint to continue. Thursday, I suspect. Until then the poor little (?) canvas will stand here with a white hole in the middle of a blue sea and white borders. Oh well ....

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