
What ho, bitches?

... anyway.

I feel it's imperative to mention that those nice folks over at FiveAndDae (those folks being Five and dae, what shock ...) have been working very hard on the newest and latest version of their communication device that is FiveAndDae. I'd urge anyone to go there. I know that ways to talk to strangers are plentiful these days and never more so than on the intarwubbs but I feel that this is sort of a special plays since people are actually nice.


It was a big shock for me too. There you go, go check it out. Linky at the bottom.

Other than that it's a very slow day at work, again. Yesterday was sort of hectic or I was too sleep deprived to be actually of any use. And I suppose my sense of time was fucked out of commission.

I should really do some art. But I haven't had the chance to gain some supplies as yet ... the other site is sort of wallowing in its misery ...

I think I'll push my girlfriend to go buy stuff. Gives her something to do. Plus, she gets really panicked if I also tell her to buy something pointless ....


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