
So ...

... yoga.

I'm trying it. In a completely unorganised way, of course. There is a TV chanel which is proudly marketed to women ... why I typed that I do not know, but there you go. Anyway. They have this thing called a program on there and it's basically happy people, twisting themselves, by a pool. The people are expert yoga instructors. The pool is at the Jamacan Grand Lido. The men are universally GAY! But that's neither here nor there. What is though, is that these people do scary things with their bodies. And I want that too ... but to be realistic I'm trying it out to see whether I can get a few extra centimeters of stretch in my leg muscles and back muscles. And it's quite a new challenge ...

What I do not get however, is that they keep refering to stretching of muscles as 'opening'. And that is just ... obscene. Really.

"If you are not open enough you can adjust your stance so that you feel more comfortable. The important thing is that you enjoy the stretch!"

That's just ... gross. Really gross. So, I'm trying very hard to ignore this ... but it's hard. It's 6:30 in the morning and strange, happy and to be honest, exceptionally ugly people are talking to me like THAT!?!?!

... shiver ...

Exactly why they're all so ugly ... maybe their faces got knocked out of shape by that infernal three point stance ...

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