
... and

yesterday we again saw two movies. We're now forced to wait for Harry Potter. *sigh*

Anyway. We saw The Proposal. Which was a fun, light, great rom-com. And it had the cutest sammy puppy in it which was great. Also, Sandra Bullock was pretty and acted well and Ryan Renolds timing was great. Pretty nature too, by the way. I was happy!

And then we went to a mystery movie. Which probably was the worst 12 euros I ever had spend. We saw Lesbian Vampire Killers and it was an utter, utter, utter pile of SHIT. What a terrible rubbish crap piece of waste.

The funniest moment was when the moviereel broke. So, loads of checking and goings on in the projection booth. They finally manage to get it going again ... it plays for about a moment and the movie displayed the 'pauze' sign, meaning ... you've got 20 minutes to do something else.

Jesus. It was bad.

At home I figured out what was wrong with the movie. 'Lesbian' belonged to the wrong noun. It belonged to 'vampire' and NOT to 'killers'. Had it belonged to 'killers' that would have meant two different leading actors (namely; women, evidently) and probably more sex. In stead we got two wankers of brit 'comedians', who couldn't carry a tune, much less a movie.


Oh well .. I was there with the girlfriend so that helped loads. Shared misery and all that.

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