
Right ...

... now, I hope that some MadHouse members, my crew on DF, are reading a MassMessage I just sent them. I like MadHouse. 'T is a spiritual retreat where one can be a little nuts with words and indeed in action. One needs a holiday from common sense now and again.

Anyway ... I hope they are looking furiously for what a singularly striped or a mono-linear zebra actually is. Life would be good if they clamoured to know, you know.

I like getting appreciated for my little inventions ...


The first 'caller' figured it had to be a cow with one ... one ... great white belt around its body. Huh. Never knew those existed.

The answer is 'no', of course.


Anonymous said...

I miss MadHouse... I am tempted to register just to be part of it again. But where would I find time to play or ms)...?

Anonymous said...

Well ... you could sacrifice some LOTR time?